
PE-Poly Orders are Piling up, Well-organized Production Ensures Delivery

Column:Company News Time:2023-07-05

In 2023, with the increasingly hot scene of the PV industry, TOPCon has become the mainstream technology route because of its outstanding economic benefits. S.C’s orders on TOPCon core equipment PE-Poly are piling up along with the rapid expansion of the downstream TOPCon solar cell manufacturers, continuously delivery with large quantities.

In response to tight delivery time and large deliveries, S.C’s business centers and manufacturing centers concentrated manpower, material and financial resources, covering planning, design, procurement, quality, production, factory acceptance, etc., strengthened cooperation and communication as well as quality and control. This overcame tight delivery time but heavy tasks, and took quality, quantity, and delivery on time as the production goal for overall scheduling, ensuring the timely delivery of PE-Poly and other equipment orders.

As of now, S.C’s PE-Poly equipment orders has achieved a production capacity of over 250GW, becoming the mainstream of TOPCon technology. Given the continuous improvement of PE-Poly mass production efficiency and yield on the client, as well as the continuous emergence of cost-saving advantages, S.C has gained more and more recognition from customers with increasing market shares, further demonstrating S.C’s product leadership and greatly encouraging S.C to constantly develop towards innovative technologies.


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