
Large-Size Flash Evaporation Equipment (VCD) for Perovskite Solar Cell Successfully Delivered

Column:Company News Time:2024-06-12

Lately, S.C has been receiving good news after good news about its perovskite solar cell equipment. Following the successful delivery of S.C's Large-Size Perovskite Coating Equipment to a customer, S.C's self-developed Flash Evaporation Equipment (VCD) series are being delivered successively. As more and more sets of perovskite solar cell equipment are successfully delivered and meet the expectations of performance indicators, S.C's business layout on equipment for the complete production line of perovskite solar cells has been further improved.

The VCD equipment series from this delivery include equipment of various sizes for square meter levels, pilot line and laboratory levels, etc., which is a much-needed type of critical core equipment for the industrialization of perovskite solar cells. This equipment series have been solely developed and manufactured by S.C, who owns fully independent intellectual property rights. The equipment is applicable to the PSC vacuum drying process via flash evaporation, in which the solvent evaporates rapidly and uniformly, and it not only ensures fine compactness and uniformity of the prepared film, but also improves the crystallinity.

At present, S.C has developed and introduced a wide range of equipment for various mainstream technical routes of perovskite solar cells. We offer several types of industrialized mass production equipment and continuously create value for our customers.

In the future, S.C will continue to be customer and market demand oriented, strive to explore the development trend of the industry, and make further innovations in the field of perovskite solar cell equipment, with the aim of dedicating S.C's power to promoting the development of the industry.

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