
Fight Against Covid-19 with Hubei——S.C New Energy and Changzhou S.C Exact Donated More than 2 Million Yuan to Hubei

Column:Company News Time:2020-02-19

In the face of the severe situation of the epidemic, S.C New Energy actively fulfilled its social responsibilities, proactively participated in the prevention and control of covid-19, and donated more than 2 million yuan in total together with its subsidiary, Changzhou S.C Exact Equipment Co., Ltd., to contribute to win the national epidemic prevention and control war. 

Virus screening is the core of the epidemic prevention and control. The earlier patients are diagnosed, the sooner they can get targeted treatment and recover. Due to the limited number of equipment and reagents in testing laboratories across the country, it is hard to screen and diagnose the virus for all suspected patients in a short time, so Shenzhen Mammoth Foundation, China's first public welfare foundation with the purpose of promoting gene technology for the benefit of people's livelihood, took the Hubei Province as the focused area and selected about 20 PCR medical laboratories from Hubei and other provinces to provide them with testing Equipment, nucleic acid detection reagents and professional support, which can rapidly improve the detection capabilities of these laboratories and meet the increasing detection needs. 

Therefore, S.C New Energy Technology Corporation donated 1 million yuan in cash to Mammoth Foundation to support the anti-epidemic front. 

Now the whole world gives their most attention on Wuhan, however, we have noticed that the epidemic in several cities near Wuhan is also very serious. Xiantao City, a county-level city of Hubei Province, is in a severe situation and its medical materials are particularly scarce. We learned from Xiantao Disease Control Center that they urgently needed a batch of pressure steam sterilizers, respiratory protectors, virus sampling swabs, etc. Therefore, Changzhou S.C Exact Equipment Co., Ltd. mobilized its domestic and foreign partners immediately to purchase a batch of medical supplies and equipment according to the demand list with a total amount of more than 1 million yuan, and delivered them to the Xiantao Disease Control Center. S.C group hopes to do its part to provide practical assistance for the epidemic prevention and control and to provide additional protection for the medical staff and people in the epidemic area. 

S.C will continue to pay attention to the epidemic prevention and do its best to contribute to it while completing its own epidemic prevention and control work. With the firm leadership of the Party and the State and the strong unity of Chinese people, we believe we will definitely win this epidemic prevention and control war. 

The epidemic prevention and control is important, and ensuring the normal operation of the company and the completion of our 2020 business task are also very important. S.C’s development history has been rough and tough. To “Stand in the Top Line of Chinese Corporations, Work for world-class brand", S.C people “Never Forget the Original Intention and Keep in Mind the Mission”. With continuous R&D to guarantee "Leading Technology", superb manufacturing and strict quality control to guarantee "Advanced Management" and take "customer satisfaction" as the goal to realize "First-class Service". Looking into the future, S.C will continue to “Work For the Development of Green Industry and Dedicate to Offer Clean Energy”.

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