
Horizontal PECVD

Horizontal PECVD

Depositionof SiN, SiON ,etc.

Equipment Name:

Horizontal PECVD

Equipment Model:


Equipment Application:

Depositionof SiN, SiON ,etc.


1、Reliable electrode contact, effectively reduce dust as well as the frequency of high frequency alarms.

2、Simple and reliable automatic boat loading/unloading unit improves themaintenance space and convenience of the equipment.

3、Single-sided installation and maintenance of moving parts,reducing the footprint of the back-to-back equipment without affecting the maintenance of the equipment.

4、High-speed and stable integral module boat pushing mechanism.

5、Auxiliary heating patent technology.

6、Rapid coating technology.

7、MES software & CCC system with independent intellectual property rights.


上饶县| 十堰市| 石首市| 章丘市| 龙海市| 新宾| 七台河市| 彭水| 贡嘎县| 无棣县| 临朐县| 东台市| 五台县| 仙游县| 延庆县| 沽源县| 阿克苏市| 房产| 织金县| 沙田区| 那坡县| 舞钢市| 桂阳县| 莲花县| 廉江市| 交口县| 滕州市| 嘉善县| 修文县| 德惠市| 嵩明县| 运城市| 柳州市| 搜索| 嘉定区| 普格县| 壶关县| 沙雅县| 海安县| 高尔夫| 渝北区|